Thursday, December 30, 2010

Drugs - can you afford your prescription?

It seems that every physician wants you to leave with a prescription. Consumers have demanded it for years even though drugs aren't always necessary. For instance, most colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics are ineffective, however, consumers think a drug will lesson their symptoms and physicians will prescribe them as a prophylactic. Also, consumers read more and may ask for medications that have been advertised in magazines, TV, etc. Brand name and high tech meds are very expensive and physicians don't always know the true cost to the patient. Those that have "cadillac" health insurance plans may only pay a fraction of the cost for brand name drugs, but those with "high deductible" health plans will most likely pay retail. Before filling the prescription from your doctor, ask if there is a generic or if another less expensive medication will treat your illness. Remember, many physicians have no idea the cost of drugs, so you may have to call the pharmacy before you leave your doctor's office.