Sunday, May 27, 2012

As we age, most people gain weight and increase their probability of metabolic disease.  The effects of metabolic disease can progressively thicken the internal walls of our large arteries which makes them less elastic and can lead to atherosclerosis.  Subsequently, there is increased resistance and high blood pressure which can further complicated your health.  Watching your weight is one of the most beneficial tasks you can do to keep your health care costs down. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Do You Really Need an MRI for Your Back Pain?

Getting an MRI can seem like a good idea if you have back pain, but studies show that back-pain sufferers in a 2010 study who had an MRI within the first month didn’t recover any faster than those who didn’t have the test. Additionally, those that received a test were eight times as likely to have surgery, and had a five-fold increase in medical costs with no additional recovery benefit.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Drugs - can you afford your prescription?

It seems that every physician wants you to leave with a prescription. Consumers have demanded it for years even though drugs aren't always necessary. For instance, most colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics are ineffective, however, consumers think a drug will lesson their symptoms and physicians will prescribe them as a prophylactic. Also, consumers read more and may ask for medications that have been advertised in magazines, TV, etc. Brand name and high tech meds are very expensive and physicians don't always know the true cost to the patient. Those that have "cadillac" health insurance plans may only pay a fraction of the cost for brand name drugs, but those with "high deductible" health plans will most likely pay retail. Before filling the prescription from your doctor, ask if there is a generic or if another less expensive medication will treat your illness. Remember, many physicians have no idea the cost of drugs, so you may have to call the pharmacy before you leave your doctor's office.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Say "No" to Root Canal

I nursed a cracked filing for a long time. The dentist said is was okay, but I required a crown soon. The waiting period on my dental insurance was another 6 months away, so I waited. When the time came, I had the tooth ground, a temporary cap installed and made the appointment to get the permanent crown put in within 4 weeks. The tooth never felt right with the temporary. The dentist said to wait. It would get better, than worse, than better, but never felt right. After scouring the internet, it appeared I would need a root canal. I searched some more and found a sight that recommended Listerine followed by Act! and so far, I have had immense improvement. I think I avoided a root canal and looking forward to getting that permanent cap soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Self Pay Mammograms

By the age of 40, physicians and the National Cancer Institute recommend that women get a mammogram every 1 -2 years. When I called the imaging center in my neighborhood, the office could not tell me how much it cost for a "self pay" customer. After talking to several different people in biling, they gave me a price of $160. My insurance company's negotiated rate was $168.50 with many caveats: is it performed in a Dr's office vs. outpatient center. As a result, I'll opt for self pay, but only after I call a few more centers to see if I can negotiate a better price.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Orthodontia - how to save on braces

If you have dental insurance, it usually does not cover orthodontia, or if it does, insurance only pays a small percentage of the entire bill. Discounts can be found at local dental schools. Many large universities have a dental school and the dental students' (interns) post graduate work includes working in the university dental clinic. Besides getting almost 30% discount on a full set of braces, the clinics are typically using state-of-the-art procedures and the interns are under direct supervision of a seasoned orthodontist. Next blog update, I will need to investigate other dental procedures and available discounts.