Thursday, June 19, 2008

School Sports Physicals - Booster's Club

Most states require an annual sports physical for children playing sports for their school or attending a summer camp. Every year I would make an appointment at the pediatrician's office for all the kids: call for schedule availability, wait in the office, get the examination, fill out the required paperwork, then pay the $180 bill per child. I did this drill every year until our school Athletic Boosters Club offered school physicals at a discount. The boosters club contacted a local family practitioner to come to the school for two hours to conduct sports physicals for any of the students. Thankfully, he brought 9 resident physicians to help with the physicals and eliminate long wait lines. Cost? Parents paid $25 per student. Not only did the parents get a great deal, the boosters made money and the school collected the school physical forms that evening to update their files. Recommend this idea to your schools Athletic Booster club to save money.

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