Wednesday, March 19, 2008

High Deductibles - finding affordable health care

Many employers are now offering the high deductible health insurance to their employees. If you have one of these plans, most likely, you are a cost conscious health services consumer. That is, you will ask how much a physician visit will cost, the lab fees and any prescriptions before you even make an appointment. Many times the office manager doesn't know and asks you to discuss fees with the physician. I have found the physician doesn't know their price either because all charges are handled via insurance negotiated rates. Ask for the cash price and be persistant! It's much cheaper for them to accept a cash price and not submit to an insurance company for reimbursement, but you must ask and ask again. Using my health insurance negotiated rates for a dermatologist initial visit cost me $170. When I asked for a cash price, it was only $85. The savings are mine, just for asking.

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