Saturday, March 22, 2008

High Prescription Costs

Many of the physicians have no idea how much a prescription costs. Rightly so, the give you a scirpt based on the performance and efficacy of the drug for your condition. However, as a consumer, you may need to ask a few questions or get a few substitutes for the prescription. Before I switched to a HSA, I used to get my daughters monthly prescription for $40. That was my copay and I never knew how much was subsidized by insurance. Paying out of pocket, the pharmacy gave me the price of $175! I asked the pharmacist for the names and prices of medicine that would be suitable for the condition so I could discuss them with my pediatrician. After a few discussions, the pediatrician gave me a new prescription which cost $40 and has the same results. Related to this is an upcoming blog on why our health insurance premiums are so high.

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